From Riki Tik A Family Affair

Jeremie, Amy, Nick, Callie, Keira, Brad, Chantel

Sooo Windy and I have the same mother and father. Lona is our mother’s daughter from a previous marriage and Phyllis, much older, is our father’s daughter from a previous marriage. When we were living in San Francisco, when I was born, all of us lived together, me, my parents, Lona, and Phyllis, and her husband Don.

At the time Phyllis was pregnant with her first child, Tim, and my mother was pregnant with me. We, Tim and I, were born within a month or two of each other and auntie-Penny and nephew-Tim had our first baths together. There’s a picture! but I don’t know where it is now.

Phyllis had four children, Tim who has passed, Jenny who has lived in a group care home all her adult life, then later came the next two, Erika (my mother named her Riki Tik), and James Michael. These pictures are all from Riki and show us her family. I’m going to ask James for some pictures to fill out the story.

Erika and her husband Mike have three children, Amy, Nicholas, and Bradley, and two grandchildren, Keira and Calllie.

James, Carolynne, Amy, husband-Jeremie, Erika, Mike

Amy, Jeremie, Brynn (Jeremie’s daughter) and Noah (Brynn’s sweetie)

Nicholas and Chantel

Keira and Callie

Callie, Mike, Keira, Erika

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