We live in a…

November 16

We live in a city and we have art, even if it can take us 120 minutes creeping through insane traffic to get there on a holiday Friday night.

At the LACMA theater we saw a fabulous collection of animated works. There’s a big Salvador Dalí exhibit on now and featured at the cartoon show was a presentation of a recently completed work, Destino, which was begun in 1945 as a collaboration between Dalí and, yes, Walt Disney.

Apparently they got on famously. The program also included q&a with the Disney team who animated Destino and a presentation of several other very early Disney cartoons, as surrealistic as any dripping clock.

From the museum website: the Dalí show ‘…aims to illustrate the cinematic influences and elements that are present in Dalí’s work as well as the contribution he made to cinema. The exhibition brings together a variety of key pieces from Dalí’s oeuvre, incorporating painting, film, photography, sculpture, and texts.’

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