’03 December

Photo! Photo!

Windy thought Mom would…

Windy thought Mom would enjoy seeing The Nutcracker this holiday season so I hit the internet and found this real ballet producton right here in Westwood at the Wadsworth. It was great fun.

And here we are…

And here we are 10 years ago. Wow. (I’m putting these two pictures on my wall as motivation to lose weight…so, let’s see what next year brings!)

Young love. Well,…

Young love. Well, actually, he’s not so young, but you know. He’s funny and he cooks and he sings. That and a job will about do it for son-in-law material.

Les, Elizabeth and David…

Les, Elizabeth and David here for their annual outing to Disneyland. Dins at Nomu. Darryl noted on his watch that it was at the 6th second of greeting that Les allowed ‘I remember you when’. But I warned them…

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