’07 March

Middle of the month – back from Down South before heading off to Hawaii.

Between days in court…

March 16

Between days in court (for L&H-they won!) and days doing up photos and ads (for 4(!) L&H vacancies) and stopping by at Mom’s a few times, I’ve been Family-Busy!

Which I’m very glad for, since I’ll be gonegone very soon.

Fun! Thanks Brigitte…

March 17

Fun! Thanks Brigitte and Knut for having us over for a visit and feeding us too. We did have fun sharking a bit o’ the blarney here on Saint Patrick’s day.

The wisteria is kicking…

The wisteria is kicking in. The construction has kicked in again too. Perfect timing for me to leave! Here’s a shot from March 2005, two years ago.

Dang, why did I let the tenant put in that black screen door? It looked ‘right’ without a screen door at all but even if it was white it would be way better. But her checks never fail to clear on the exact day rent is due. Hurray!

I’m just trying to…

March 14

I’m just trying to get a version that will work for Rupa who remembers this picture from her youth in LA. Thanks ladies!

Rome gets an Action…

March 10-13

Rome gets an Action Figure! Notice how her sweet little hands are in a different position with each shot. That’s what you do with an Action Figure, you put it into Action.

I still haven’t finished the pictures from my Trip Down South but there is just the wedding itself to go. And I’m leaving again in a few days for Kauai and then New Zealand. At least this time I’m not wanting to study another language!

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