’09 October

Some travels and Halloween, Getty Villa, Rome’s school.

I’ve been powering my…

October 22

I’ve been powering my way through all the Mad Men on dvd. I should be done with season 2 before I leave on Sunday.

It’s a hit and will probably go on the list with Surprisingly Good TV (Deadwood, The Sopranos, The Wire, Six Feet Under)…not right at the top, but there.

We had a nice…

October 21

We had a nice morning outing at the Getty today. The Irving Penn show was awesome in that it makes you catch your breath as you absorb the scope of the work. You’ll want to go check it out while it’s here because they said in the write-up that this is the first time the entire series is presented in one place.

It was packed out…

It was packed out here. There was a volley ball tournament going on for one thing, and there were tourists aplenty which we could tell by all the languages that passed us by.

And we’ve lost most…

And we’ve lost most of a major parking lot to the new Cirque du Soleil, Kooza, “An adrenaline rush of acrobatics in a zany kingdom”, or so ‘they’ say.

I went with Nancy…

October 17

I went with Nancy A to LACMA today. We are in a heat wave right now and it was toooo hot to wander around in the lamp posts so this is the shot.

The old entrance. …

The old entrance. It seems they’re trying to funnel everyone to enter through the lamp posts and I have no idea why.

We came particularly to…

We came particularly to see the Luis Meléndez: Master of the Spanish Still Life show, which was pretty interesting but for me not a jaw dropper except for the one figure on display which was a self portrait. That thing was amazing. You could really see what a trouble-maker he was and why he kept getting kicked out of the Academies of the day.

(swipped from the internet)

Then we saw the…

Then we saw the new American Art floor and I was taken by this one, Angel’s Flight by Millard Sheets.

Here comes a little…

October 15

Here comes a little triptych of our lovely Lilly.

An aMazing thing, she rolled over! Oh my, she is so smart and pretty, and so advanced for her age don’t you think?

In her kitty phase,…

In her kitty phase, where when you hold her close as she’s dozing off she grabs your shirt and does that ‘happy paw’ thing. Sigh.

Christa and her friend…

October 7

Christa and her friend Catherine are in LA for a few hours before they fly back to Hawaii. Lona and Hartley went with them to a Speech event at the camp where L&H first courted. Lona was all gooey with semtementality over the whole thing. It was cute.

NOTE: tomorrow I’m off for a three night Camping (!!) Trip and might or might not be able to post pictures. ‘They’ say they have wifi at this place (a California State Park by the beach), no electricity though. I’m looking forward to the adventure. And to not being too cold or too hot. You know, I’m old.

Walking to the car…

Walking to the car after another great day at school.

I did take some pictures of Lilly but they just didn’t speak of her lovely Lilly personality. I’ve got to really focus (ha, a funny…) on getting a good one next time.

Our John got married…

October 4

Our John got married today!

(They had a couple of professional photographers busy at work so I took only a few pictures. And congratulations! to Marsha and Tom on the marriage of their dear son.)

Brigitte and I have…

October 3

Brigitte and I have been on overlapping travel schedules (and out of town guests for Brigitte) for like two months or something. Finally we got the chance for a catch-up!

Look at the review…

October 1

Look at the review Darryl got for his recording label, from MetalJazz.com. Excellent! Congratulations D!!

“…This record arrives via an interesting download-only internet label, Redline Park. Darryl Kanouse and friends have carefully curated a wide range of releases that have little in common other than high quality and an outside point of view. The catalog offers extreme jazz, electronic, experimental and punk, mostly new but also some worthy reissues. Though I hadn’t been familiar with many of the artists, a sampling of the albums (complete versions of which are posted for free streaming) revealed serious musicianship and distinctive points of view. To check out the music and subscribe for unlimited downloads (only $5.99 a month), visit here.”



Of course of course there are more grandbabies but these are the most recent that people have sent me. Lovin’ those grandbaby pictures!

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