’10 October

Two weeks home and then off to the FL-NOLA-DC etc.

Rome was making a…

Rome was making a play with her Woody and Jessie dolls and then I took a video with my new make-anything-but-toast cellphone.

My mother would have…

October 10

My mother would have had such a great day today. She would have written cards and letters for no other reason than the joy of using 10-10-10. She would have talked about it non-stop. Oh yeah, she would’a loved it.

Out on a walk with Sharon I am reminded again how I’m going to miss being home for one of my favorite holidays. No Halloween with my grandbabies! Oh Bummer!

Kitteh loooves his daddy….

October 9

Kitteh loooves his daddy. Tom cannot sit down without the instant appearance of Simon demanding his perch. Thanks for the perfect dinner guys.

Oh goodie. .a tour…

October 7

Oh goodie. .a tour in the US of A! I’ve been working on my arrangements, kicking off in one short week:

to Fort Myers (for a wedding)
then New Orleans (haven’t been since Katrina and waiting for the next weekend)
then Mt Dora (to see an old friend who is only available on the weekend)
then Chesapeake Bay (to sail around a few days with my pals who live on their boat)
then Washington DC (because I was going to be so close anyway, and then come to find out the timing overlaps with the Jon Stewart/Stephen Colbert event)
then LA Home Sweet Home.

Plenty of good eats…

October 6

Plenty of good eats today. Boban treated me to a big delicious birthday lunch; thanks Boban. At least twice a year we get to see each other for our birthday lunches, the timing for which is entirely flexible.

And then I went out to dinner with Bonnie at a down home Greek place at Normandy and Pico across the street from this sign…

There was a lot…

There was a lot of q&a, the q from the crowd of mostly USC students. I’ll tell ya, those two Chopras are a talkative pair and capable of extended riffs on any topic whatsoEver.

moderator, Deepak, Gotham

I am trying to…

October 5

I am trying to buy a dress to wear to this wedding in Florida on the beach. All day, Failure.

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