’16 July

Let’s see some progress around here!

Sharon’s back patio…nice! …

July 30

Sharon’s back patio…nice!

There’s a small tree in the background, in a big pot, the furthest to the right. It’s a kumquat tree full of fruit that you can’t see, and I want one of those trees, and I could have one too if I would just go get it.

Muriel brought me this…

July 29

Muriel brought me this pomelo from the farmer’s market today. We had a lovely visit and then I had fruit.

I took this picture with my phone as I have been increasingly doing, just snapping away because it’s so easy to take and easy to transfer into the computer with a quick email.

I went with Nancy…

July 28

I went with Nancy and Sharon to see the new Star Trek movie today. It was fun! I’m a fan of the franchise in general and I like this new young cast.

I was wondering what it would be like to see one of these movies or tv shows as your first Star Trek experience, what it would be like not to have a 50 year backstory running in your head.

We made sushi rolls…

July 27

We made sushi rolls for dinner! We used the small sheets of nori the kids eat for snack, put some rice on one end and veggies and rolled those babies into delicious sushi roll treats.

And then we enjoyed…

And then we enjoyed dessert outside on the lawn.

I haven’t told about the reinstatement of our summer trips to the library. Too fun by twice.

Alex! Alex is…

July 26

Alex! Alex is melting off all the layers and layers of old paint on the window trim to reveal actual ridging – I’m so excited!

It’s the Summer Festival…

July 25

It’s the Summer Festival of Birthdays, Ann and Becky and Me, birthday girls wearing our birthday girl crowns – too bad you can’t see mine but it’s so there.

Maxine once again Did it ALL! And thanks to Shirley for the photo.

Maxine, Lourdes Ljubica, Maryanne, Marsha, Alicia, Ann, Becky, Marija, me

Rude birthdays card from…

Rude birthdays card from everyone and our traditional cash-pot of 15 bucks from each! Flowers from Maxine’s bouquet! Thank you One and All!

One step forward, two…

July 24

One step forward, two steps back. Turns out part of the reason the shutters are broken is because they don’t have a frame. I must have previously chosen this option because without a frame they take up less window.

So do I go with the frames because all the shutter people I talked to said I should? Or do I get someone to re-make what I already have?

And the FLOORS. …

And the FLOORS. I think these pictures have confirmed I am going to have to wait until late September when the darker ones will be available. Look how in the different light the darker ones still look like the original floor but in the brighter light the lighter one looks like it belongs in Copenhagen.

I’ve not a single…

July 23

I’ve not a single picture from Liz’s birthday party so how about this from Angela – Lilly and her bff Roxi having sleep-over fun at Roxi’s.


From a couple of…

July 22

From a couple of different walks with Sharon, the 3rd Street Promenade dinos are looking good.

They’ve done a fine succulent garden to cut down on water use and turned off the fountain, but not taken the fountain out so maybe later.

And the California Incline,…

And the California Incline, if you’ve been following along I’ve been taking a picture every few months. I was sorry that it wasn’t going to be open for summer as originally planned but ok, there’s a reason.

Here’s a press release from the city:

The new CA Incline is scheduled to reopen at the end of summer due to the reconstruction of the Pedestrian Overcrossing and Idaho Trail. The City originally planned to open the new structure to motorists and pedestrians prior to the Memorial Day weekend; however, the addition of the Pedestrian Overcrossing to the CA Incline reconstruction project has stretched the schedule to late summer. An official opening date will be announced before the end of July.

With the addition of the Pedestrian Overcrossing in November 2015, crews embarked on an ambitious schedule to open both projects to the public in early July, instead of Memorial Day weekend, when only the Incline was being constructed.

However, the Overcrossing’s unique design and structural complexities will require additional time to complete outside of the original schedule. Completing the Overcrossing before reopening the CA Incline ensures both the safety of the traveling public and construction crews. Building the two bridges concurrently is also ultimately the most expeditious and cost effective way to manage the project because it leverages the existing traffic closure and detours.

The CA Incline, an iconic symbol in Santa Monica, was last renovated in 1930. To meet current seismic standards, the bridge is being reconstructed and when complete, it will be replaced with a wider, safer bridge with improved bicycle and pedestrian access. The Overcrossing crosses over the Incline providing pedestrian access to the beach from Palisades Park.

The girls did a…

The girls did a week of soccer camp with a crew from the UK including Scotsmen and Northern Irelanders.

Here’s Rome with her sweet-as-pie coach.

A Downtown Adventure. …

July 21

A Downtown Adventure. I’m on an origami mailing list and they announced a project put on in part by DigDeep, a non-profit focused on bringing water to people without access.

I copied this from CURRENT:LA “LA-based water organization DIGDEEP (digdeep.org) hosts an immersive cleansing ritual at the water pavilion created by CURRENT artist Rirkrit Tiravanija. Participants are invited to interact directly with the LA River, and to write their worries and secrets on biodegradable origami boats that set sail to the sea.”

They were putting on an origami class to teach people how to make a lotus instead of a boat and volunteer for the project. LA River and Origami, I’m so there!

This is looking down the street from The Unique Space, home of DigDeep.

Looking across the street….

Looking across the street. We’re a block off Alameda and E 6th in deep industrial downtown where, if you find yourself, you think yikes, I gotta get out’a here.

Welcome! It’s hipster…

Welcome! It’s hipster heaven up in here with a huge downstairs space for weddings and corporate events and the upstairs is fitted out with oh-so-on-trend office suites and conference space.

And a lesson. …

And a lesson. These were very easy which was good since the volunteers are supposed to help the visitors make them.

I had an excellent time but I didn’t sign up. It’s on this weekend and the tour of duty is four hours in the blazing heat of the San Fernando Valley.

I got up, made…

July 19

I got up, made coffee, organized my day, made some phone calls about my floor and was set to meet the floor guy who btw didn’t show up, and then went into the house to find, oh look, not an alien from District 9 but rather ALEX hard at work! Lookin’ good Alex!

From lunch with Boban…

From lunch with Boban last week, he sent me a picture of the fam at Mom’s 92nd birthday. Happy birthday!

MaryJo must have a picture in the attic, that’s all I can think since she Never Changes.

Boban, MaryJo, Jordan, Cheyenne, Boban’s mom

Thanks to the Holdens!…

July 18

Thanks to the Holdens! and Windy came with me. I didn’t think about how the heck am I going to get my floor for 90 whole minutes.

An example – holes…

July 17

An example – holes in the walls a-plenty. And there are plenty more, big ones too, but Alex is working away getting it all to look like it never happened.

Oh the hours I’ve…

July 16

Oh the hours I’ve put in to finding a floor. Hour after hour of calls and trips and half-decisions. Finally I was DONE only to discover, sorry, no, you can’t have that, it’s out of production.

But here’s something just like it for twice the money. Today, again, I soldier on.

Celina and Gideon came…

July 15

Celina and Gideon came out so that Gideon could catch some seaside Pokémon. I learned a lot about catching Pokémon today! We also had lunch where, even sitting out on the patio Pokémon were there for the catching.

Gideon ‘Leveled-Up from 8 to 9’ while we were there. Oh my goodness, Pokémon, the story of the summer.

Susie and I went…

July 14

Susie and I went to the Norton-Simon today and especially enjoyed the sculpture garden where they have three wonderful Aristide Maillol pieces.

There was a traveling…

There was a traveling exhibit called Duchamp to Pop that was modest in size but told a good story.

Here we have The Librarian, 1960 by George Herms standing behind a real librarian (she herself another fine work of art.)

I love to let…

July 13

I love to let the kids do selfies while we drive in the car because aDORable as they are…

We were sitting at…

We were sitting at the table eating dinner and I was trying to tell a story about these things. These…what’s the word…you know…what do you call (pointing)…

Coasters! the girls chime in. Coasters. I couldn’t fish up from the muck of my brain, the word Coasters.

I helped Lona setting…

July 10-11

I helped Lona setting up her new wall of shelves as they clear out their house of 45-50? years and settle into the glory that is their fabulous vistic apartment at the Breakwater in Marina del Rey.

Alex and Carol from…

Alex and Carol from the party on the 4th. They came out to Santa Monica and we had a delightful day.

Camas is staying with…

July 9

Camas is staying with some friends in Manhattan Beach for a few days so Sharon and I went down to meet her for an outing of walk-visit-food.

Live-Love-Surf, that’s our Camas!

Some miscellanea from the…

July 8

Some miscellanea from the last few days. Electricity! The guys are here and my optimism is full. Full-empty-full-empty, rarely in-between.

Sooo many decisions. …

Sooo many decisions. Sooo many.

I went to the doctor and had those tabs on my neck frozen off. Turns out you make those things yourself with how you carry your bags and where your seat belt fits. I’m not sure you make them all yourself because some people are covered in them…but I’ll take the doctor’s word on mine. I asked him to just make sure there was nothing on my skin that was going to kill me!

I went to the…

I went to the movies with Nancy for a nice mental break – Hunt for the Wilderpeople. It was good!

I had a Crazy…

July 4

I had a Crazy fun four-thing day in Long Beach, not my usual one-thing day at all.

First a good morning Walk and Waffles with Liz and Gary. Thanks for coming out!

Second a meeting with a cabinet builder (we’ll see…), third a happy visit with Alex and Carol who are back, probably staying in Long Beach for six months (wow is right).

And fourth, here’s our…

And fourth, here’s our faaabulous hostess Hilda in their 29th floor condo overlooking the fireworks of Long Beach bay and harbor.

…and the other sixteen…

…and the other sixteen guests gathered on the balcony. I find it thrilling that all sixteen guests made it with their face in the picture. You guys are AWESOME!

Minoo Massoumi, Esfandiyar (brother), Maya (daughter) Maasoumi, Azar Saeedi and Mori Mostafavi, Azita Saeedi, Ziba Amini, Mahzad Yeganeh, Tim and Kevin, Alex and Carol, Patricia and Kathy, Hilda and Merlyn

I took what I…

July 3

I took what I hope will be a full set of before pictures today. I am ever so hoping the after pictures will be coming along soon.

I went to the…

July 2

I went to the Broad with Ben and Bonnie to see the Cindy Sherman show and here we are doing the required reflect-o in a Jeff Koons shiny dog.

I can’t actually talk…

July 1

I can’t actually talk about this because it would fall into the category of ‘making fun’ and that’s just not nice. But wow, no?!

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