’18 August

In and out with many nights in Saint Paul
and in

It’s the last day…

August 28

It’s the last day of summer vacation and we did our last summer lunch and then our last summer trip to the beach and then…

…and our last summer…

…and our last summer visit to Lona and Hartley’s place for our last summer snack of fruit and popcorn.

Goodbye summer, hello s.c.h.o.o.l!

We were walking along…

We were walking along chatting and looking around and BAM what the heck is that? It looks like a new playground is about to open.

Just back from …

August 21

Just back from Saint Paul and Austin, it’s girls day out!

First we went to the Farmers Market for lunch and the vast buffet of samples available there. Here we are featuring a dozen types of pluots, hybrids of plums and apricots.

We had a few…

We had a few things to pick up at Whole Foods so we went to the Whole Foods near the Farmers Market, one I’d never visited before.

Yes, at Whole Foods, a full-on BAR for those days when…

Hatch Chili! If…

Hatch Chili! If you read about my visit in Austin Hatch Chili will be familiar to you, and here they are at the Whole Foods in Manhattan Beach.

Next stop, Back-To-School shopping…

Next stop, Back-To-School shopping where we filled a cart with pens and notebooks and various supplies from the Back-To-School supplies list, and Angela met us there and paid for it all.

Muriel once again produced…

August 10

Muriel once again produced a feast for her guests in honor of her own birthday and Joanne’s birthday too. Happy Birthday ladies!

John, Joanne, Muriel, David, Jo Ann

The girls and I…

August 7

The girls and I went out today, first to PF Chang’s for a favorite lunch and then to see Incredibles 2.

We had some extra time before the movie started so we played around with pictures…

No helper to take…

August 6

No helper to take this picture and unprepared as I was without a tripod, still, everyone was there so we tried for a photo anyway. I went a little old timey on the look because the colors were so uneven.

Happy Birthday Ann and Becky! Maxine, Ann, Becky, Maryanne, Marsha, Ljubica, Marija, Alicia, Lourdes, me

Lill and I walked…

August 5

Lill and I walked down to the pier today and spent a very fine Sunday afternoon despite the summer crowds and low-hanging clouds.

…and to have lunch…

…and to have lunch at Marisol where we got my totally favorite table, in the front corner of the back patio.

Then we decided to check the line at the Ferris Wheel. No problem, easy-peasy, I never would have guessed it possible.

There were low clouds…

There were low clouds the whole day which was good for us. We didn’t get the grand views of a clear day but it was cooler and the even light is always nice for a photo.

The Lake Shrine of…

August 3

The Lake Shrine of the Self-Realization Fellowship, founded in 1920 by one of the most prominent gurus of my youth and author of Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda.

Sharon and Nancy and…

Sharon and Nancy and I went to enjoy the cooling sea breeze and to enjoy sitting in the quiet shade of the boat house.

Built in 1939, it’s…

Built in 1939, it’s a beautiful building and in very good shape these days.

From wiki: ‘Approved in a controversial ballot measure in 1926 and built in the 1930s, it served to consolidate rail services from the Union Pacific, Santa Fe, and Southern Pacific Railroads into one terminal station. Conceived on a grand scale, Union Station became known as the “Last of the Great Railway Stations” built in the United States. It was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1980.’

The wiki article goes into interesting length about the racial and economic factors in play in 1926.

On the shuttle heading…

On the shuttle heading to the race track.

I wanted Ken to have the window on the train because he’d never done this trip before so no photos on the way down and anyway I was nodding off from time to time due to waking up at Four AM.

…and they’re off. …

…and they’re off. The races take a minute or two to run and thirty minutes to set-up so there’s plenty of time to look at all the racing information, make a bet, get snacks, visit.

It’s altogether very fun.

The track is handsome….

The track is handsome. You can see the pack coming around the turn.

We enjoyed chats with our seatmates since it took us a couple of races just to figure out the scoreboard and everyone knew more than we did.

What you see in…

What you see in the top half is a portion of the scoreboard where they show the race. It’s not a cut-and-paste either, it just looked like that.


…to the finish….

…to the finish.

We were big winners too, because we bet only in our minds and won all the money we didn’t lose. Also it was Senior Day so we got in free. Win-win.

We were going to…

We were going to catch some quick dinner in Olvera Street but no, the whole place was totally shut down at seven pm on Thursday night. We were very surprised.

My old neighbor Jay…

August 1

My old neighbor Jay was around the ‘hood and stopped by with Kathleen from across the street. When I first moved here twenty years ago Jay gave me an air-horn for safety and was always ready to lend a hand. I’ve never forgotten his kindness.

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