’19 February

Soo much rain…happy happy lawn.

I’ll tell you there…

February 25

I’ll tell you there are so very many gross pictures on the internet should you google for ‘dental implant’. So gross, but this one gives the idea without causing your stomach to roil.

It’s about ready to happen for me but I’ve still got to go get a temporary made before next Thursday. I’m hoping to get it all done in one visit, that’s a relatively new thing, and the dentist wouldn’t promise, only that she would try.

Ingalill took this picture…

February 24

Ingalill took this picture of her husband Tony and Tony’s dad Jerry on the occasion of Jerry’s 80th birthday celebration in Florida. February in Florida, hot and humid just like it’s supposed to be.


Hey Bonnie, looking good….

February 23

Hey Bonnie, looking good. Doesn’t her hair look so sophisticated and yet welcoming. We shared breakfast at DuPars. Yes I ate the pancakes and yes they were delicious.

Then Merlyn and Hilda…

Then Merlyn and Hilda came by and we had Thai dinner delivered. That little strip is a 360 degree picture of my living/dining room. I had to cut the two ends off and put them together to get this.

My goodness I have…

February 20-22

My goodness I have been eating out a lot lately and enjoying every bite. Thank you friends for all your entertaining company although I have no pictures…

Here are all the…

Here are all the troops in the South Bay that participated and their countries. Each display included a flag and a representative snack. A few stopped there but most also did poster boards, wore costumes, and everyone was having a good time.

Lilly was having a crazy good time because of all the snacks.

Rome’s Hong Kong group…

Rome’s Hong Kong group offered almond cookies and Jasmine tea. Their booth was always crowded and their display was particularly good. I had a blast.

Remember when I punked…

February 18

Remember when I punked out of a March trip to Jordan and Egypt because the three months at the end of the year did me in? This is my host in Jordan, Mindy, and here she is in Dubai having finished a Spartan Race. You can find Spartan Races all over the world and I’ll only say it looks like a tryout for the Navy Seals, if the Navy Seals operated in the desert.

A few days ago I said my eye had turned to St Petersburg-Tallinn-Riga-Vilnius-Minsk which is true, but this can be a late summer early fall trip. Jordan and Egypt needs to be in Spring, March-April-May for the best chance of good weather. Maybe the Baltic this Fall and Mindy in Spring 2020? 2020, WOW.

Ken and I went…

February 17

Ken and I went to see The 7 Fingers: Réversible at The Broad Stage in Santa Monica.

The show was so fantastic, so over-the-top fabulous, we were awestruck for the entire ninety minutes. It was a little Cirque de Soleil-ish in that it was acrobatic dancers from French speaking Canada but without all the gear and staging, just breathtaking performances with a few modest props.

And this is Ken…

And this is Ken all done up with his costume and make-up for a soon to be released HBO movie. He’s been getting some work as an extra, this was a six day gig, and enjoying most of it, just not the part about working all night in a muddy field in the freezing cold.


Alex came over to…

February 16

Alex came over to bail me out of a ‘situation’, Carol came too, and we had a lovely afternoon. Then we enjoyed a most tasty lunch at Ingo’s. THANK YOU guys!

Then in the evening…

Then in the evening I joined this entertaining crowd for dinner: Ronald, David, Francis, Celina, Steven, Joanne, Paul.

All these places are…

February 15

All these places are connected by a convenient train. I’ve never been to any of them, I’m a big fan of capital cities, and now it’s where I want to go most…as of this moment anyway.

St Petersburg, Tallinn, Riga, Vilnius, Minsk

Finally I got to…

February 14

Finally I got to see Bill and Cheryl since they’re living full time in KC now. It’s been a while gang, thanks for making it by.

Oh yes, Grandma and Grandpa were more than pleased to run through a few pictures of Sweet Addie Rose!

Windy and I did…

February 13

Windy and I did some chores and then to congratulate ourselves we went to the Hammer Museum for a quick visit.

They had a lot…

They had a lot of new shows up with many works I’d never seen done by artists I’d never heard of.

Sometimes I just have…

Sometimes I just have to look.

Christina Forrer (Swiss, b. 1978)
Woman with Waves Coming out of Her Mouth
2014; Cotton, wool; Hammer Museum

Rome was off to…

February 12

Rome was off to Catalina for a couple of nights for a school field trip. I can’t wait to see her pictures and hear stories. Oh goodie goodie.

This is Angela’s picture of Lilly’s Girl Scouts troop making a Valentines Day party room at the local fire station. They’ve done other projects with these guys, and aren’t they an adorable team.


Monday Night Potluck at…

February 11

Monday Night Potluck at Marsha’s with glowing candles and a welcoming and warming fireplace. So lovely.

I also went to the fancy dentist with the fancy xray and his opinion is I need to have a tooth removed. We all know what That leads to.

What’s left……

What’s left…

Of these categories, Picture, Director, Actor, Actress, Original Screenplay, Adapted Screenplay, and Cinematography, I still need to see Cold War, At Eternity’s Gate, and Never Look Away.

I might look deeper into the nominations now.

What’s left on the…

February 10

What’s left on the Santa Monica Promenade from Chinese New Year.

Sharon and I saw A Star is Born at the Arclight, just in time for…

…the Grammys….

…the Grammys.

Kathleen hosted a yummy dinner and I got to watch on her tv and then when it was nearly over, I walked across the street to my bed!


Windy and I went…

February 8

Windy and I went for an early dinner in Hollywood and then Marsha met us for a show of standup comedians.

Here’s what they say about their show:

“You Kids Get Off My Lawn! is the only show in town featuring comics over thirty. Lena Valentine and Charles Park host some grown-#ss comedy at a reasonable hour because that’s what adults do. None of this midnight on a Tuesday b######t – book a babysitter, come have a laugh, have a drink, and be home in time for The Daily Show. Always fun and always free.”

I should add that a fine table of adult beverages was on offer, also free, donations gladly accepted.

I am extremely hopeless…

February 8

I am extremely hopeless trying to get selfies. Two hands is def not the way to go. Oh well. ‘We’ wanted a picture and we had no mirrors in sight. I went with the cousins Sharon and Nancy to see the Academy nominated shorts for Live Action and Animation.

It’s fun to have seen them even though I wouldn’t recommend the collection this year, especially the live action. Let’s hope for better next year.

My three extremely annoying…

My three extremely annoying water heaters for the three units. One of them experienced a three day ordeal until Alex came with a new one.

They are all pretty old and I was so done with problems I was thinking of changing them all. But cooler heads prevailed and I realized the actual cost of these babies. Yikes. So one down and two to go later…much later I hope!

Muriel, Jo Ann, and…

February 7

Muriel, Jo Ann, and David came over for lunch and I forgot to take a picture so here’s one that includes Nancy from 2006 when we were so very young. We thought we were old then, but no.

Anyone who has talked…

February 6

Anyone who has talked to me in the last two months might have heard chapters in the saga of my infected jaw. This is a picture out my dentist’s window.

And the saga continues with no resolution. I’ve got an appointment with another guy for Monday.

Thanks Becky for hosting…

February 4

Thanks Becky for hosting a three birthday extravaganza and Mardis Gras fete. It was grand. And again, three birthdays, all those cards, and not one duplicate. How DO we do it?!

Happy Birthday to Alicia and our twins Marija and Ljubica.

Another meal at Spitfire…

February 3

Another meal at Spitfire and a stroll to Photo LA. That’s Lill and her car and her license plate…LILL. She was super-quick to apply for that one and it has lived on all her cars.

I got this picture…

February 2

I got this picture from another guest since my angle wasn’t good. Back on Thursday I went to the opening of this event at which Jo Ann is the featured artist.

This is the sold-out panel discussion in conjunction with the show. It’s all just down the road at the old Santa Monica Airport, on for four days, and so I’m having a great time visiting often.

This picture is called…

February 1

This picture is called ‘The day of Bonnie’s retirement celebration’ and many many thanks for the treat of a delicious Pacific Dining Car brunch. HEY BONNIE, let’s go to the movies in the middle of the day in the middle of the week!


This is from Cynthia…

This is from Cynthia in St Paul, a picture of the Ikea parking lot during the mid-day rush during the Polar Vortex, MINUS THIRTY wind chill during the day, when it’s just too darn cold to go out.

It would be fun though, right, to have Ikea all to yourself? Cynthia said it was amazing.


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