’16 Jun: Saint Paul, MN, and Beyond

At home and a visit to Madison and The LAKE!

We took it easy…

June 10

We took it easy for a few hours in the morning while Cynthia went to a meeting at work and them we hit the road for Madison WI stopping along the way for an A&W Root Beer with that Frosty Mug Taste.

Cynthia got us an amazing house with all totally original craftsman features throughout. Pictures will be forthcoming.

I wanted to see the capitol, the college, and the historic downtown. Here’s the capitol. Tick.



“A major point of interest in the Capitol rotunda is a beautiful ceiling decoration done by the distinguished artist, Edwin Howland-Blashfield. This masterpiece entitled “Resources of Wisconsin” shows a female figure as “Wisconsin”. She is located centrally in the painting, enthroned upon clouds and wrapped up in the American flag.”

In 2002 Wisconsin completed…

In 2002 Wisconsin completed a full restoration of the building to its opening 1917 glory.

“Construction of the present capitol, the third in Madison, began in late 1906 and was completed in 1917 at a cost of $7.25 million. The architect was George B. Post & Sons from New York.”

The capitol building is…

The capitol building is at one end of State Street, THE street, and the campus is at the other end. Walking between the two is lovely. The street is pedestrianized and entertainments, shops, and restaurants are the order of the day and even the occasional bookstore.

The Terrace which everyone…

The Terrace which everyone who’s ever been to Madison knows.

Wiki re the University of Wisconsin at Madison: “…it was the first public university established in Wisconsin and remains the oldest and largest public university in the state. It became a land-grant institution in 1866. The 933-acre main campus includes four National Historic Landmarks.”

Cleaning up after our…

Cleaning up after our yummy dinner. It’s very cool that we had this handsome, comfortable, and exceptionally clean house for our weekend adventure. Cynthia and Mike had packed up food so that we ate out one lunch and one dinner, plenty, and Cynthia cooked for the rest of the meals. It was so lovely!


The home for the…

The home for the washer-dryer is upon the very old and very uneven floor of the basement. Check it out – the legs will make the platform even. And check it out, I went nuts for the work that went into this thing including framing the plywood and mitering the corners!

I have done quite…

I have done quite a bit of sitting right here in the last couple of days. It’s been raining, beautiful, fragrant, life-giving rain that I might never see again back home.

This is a slightly distorted pano but I wanted to express the feel of being surrounded by the sweeping glass.

Mike and Cynthia also…

Mike and Cynthia also enjoying the gorgeous new screened-in glassed-in all-weather porch of their own design.

That red thing on the table is a tape measure that I carry everywhere with me. Oh, how high is your bed off the ground? Oh, how long are those open shelves that hold all your dishes? Oh, how far is your sink from your stove? Oh, how deep is that cabinet. Endlessly.

Cynthia and I do…

Cynthia and I do this in the morning before she goes to work. Jillian’s really not as bad as she looks and we enjoy the workout. I’m not going to stress myself too much though because, you know, No Injuries! It’s right up there with No Falling!

After dinner and a…

After dinner and a quick clean-up we had a buzz down to Free Thursday at the Walker.

I try not to miss the Walker any time I’m here because it’s fantastic and they have a top-flight sculpture garden once seen never forgotten. Surprise! the sculpture garden is closed for renovation.

We were debating as…

We were debating as to whether that pile of boxes was or was not an art project. My opinion? Of course it’s an art project. Yes-no-yes-no. Then Cynthia said hey wait, it has a plaque on the wall!

It’s a piece by Mungo Thomson called People from 2011. We also got a kick talking about this pile of construction rubble with a framed photo of Marilyn Monroe. It’s called Marilyn with Wall by Rachael Harrison.

The new washer-dryer got…

June 17

The new washer-dryer got delivered this morning and all was ready including the platforms that Mike and Kieran had made a couple of days before, all painted and leveled off.

Too bad I don’t have a full-on before picture because it was very very different.

There was still the plumbing, a big job, that Mike finished off this evening.

The Lake! Yesterday…

June 18

The Lake! Yesterday we picked up some wetsuits in case the water was cold (it was not!) and an inflatable kayak. They had a canoe at the house Cynthia rented so here we are getting the canoe down to the lake and…

Good night! Tomorrow…

Good night! Tomorrow Mike is getting Kieran up early and the two of them will be off to pick up The Speedboat!

Mike’s mom Phyllis and her husband Ken will be here too in the morning and I’m excited to see them.

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