Vroom Vroom

The view from Merlyn and Hilda’s balcony.

A=the Long Beach Marina where Alex and Carol live aboard the newly acquired Red Sky and where they used to live aboard Nepenthe. (Red Sky, known to my family as The Bigger Boat.)

B=the grandstand for the Long Beach Grand Prix with the cars zooming through the streets.

C=the Queen Mary and beyond you can see cargo ships waiting to unload, and cruise ships bringing 1,000s into town.


Oh my goodness the noise of a Grand Prix race. Even standing out on the 29th floor balcony a half-mile from the track it was still so loud we. . . . watched the race on TV!

And then, of course, LUNCH!

Hilda, Alex, Carol, Debbie, Mo, Merlyn, Phil, me, Erin.

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