’23 December

Let’s see if this goes to the banner.

End Of The Year Festivities

First it was Carl’s birthday party, a memorable yearly event. The picture above is us, me and Carl, from 2010. I was looking for pictures of Carl and when I first saw this I wondered, who is that other person. Me! It’s me looking so very much younger.


Then Ken had a New Year’s Eve party, and due to circumstances… we were Ken and four women – for a yummy dinner and games.


Lunch And A Show

We went to PF Chang’s for lunch, and then we saw Wonka, and then we walked through the mall, had a sweet treat, and went home. What a nice day out for our last get-together in 2023.

A Few More Pictures From Mexico

Oh Kai, you handsome devil you.

Here’s messing around with my underwater camera. I just got to them because mostly it was a fail.

At the cenote.

And here is the point at which the camera quit focusing. Probably because I set it to microscope by mistake…

I’m Sick

Most likely a nasty cold. It happens. Not covid so that’s good. I didn’t start feeling unwell until the day I was set to come home, so that’s awesome, I’m just behind on pictures.

I Missed It Because I’m Sick

Lourdes, Maxine, Marsha, Marija, Alicia, Becky, Ann, Ljubica

I missed our Big Party, the social event of the season but I was just Too Sick. Good thing they took the picture even without me!

For Six Days

For six days my suitcase and backpack sat where I dropped them when I got home Friday night. I will not burden you with a litany of my symptoms and slow recovery but I did unpack! I’m behind four days of the trip which I hope to get to Very Soon, before real life kicks in.

I Went Out At Night Like A Grownup

But I didn’t have to actually do anything. Rick got me a ticket and Tony and Lill picked me up so what a treat! We went out to Burbank, to the Colony Theatre to enjoy a hilarious comedy show. From their website: “the award-winning Troubies have combined the classic 1954 film, White Christmas, with the Beatles epic double record, the White Album. The result is a hippy, trippy, and-a-lil nippy – take on the beloved holiday musical extravaganza.”

What’s Going On Here

Tishy, Daniel, Eivor, Ingalill, Brian, Jim, Tony, Nancy, Rick

It’s Tony and Lill’s Christmas Eve party Swedish Style. What Fun! First we watch Kalle Anka och hans vänner. You can click on the link to read all about it from the 2021 party.

I was sitting in the orange chair, the best seat, which everyone insisted should be mine because “you’re the oldest”. Fine, I am the oldest.

The show, and their clever Christmas Tree.

Here is the buffet for the first course, four types of herring, plus a feast of more and more. Notice the glass on the buffet – Tony was making Mezcal Negronis, another treat.

And they’ve enclosed their patio to create a spacious and delightful dining room.

The main course of prime rib and etc is on the table below, followed by dessert and Gifts. THANKS for Everything!

BTW…my headband of springy reindeer is from the same era as the cartoon.

Brian, Nancy, Tony, Bill, Eivor, Daniel, Rick, me, Jim

Ho Ho Ho!

We had our traditional sleep-over so we can all be together in the morning after Santa comes to town, and did he ever!

Gary, Liz, Darryl, Angela, Rome, Lilly

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