’24 March

Travis Came To Visit His Momma

Xander, Lucas, Betsy, Windy, Travis

Travis came in from Houston for a few days to visit Windy for his birthday. Awww. And then Lucas and Betsy had us over for Sunday lunch, so the brothers got to spend some time together too. Thanks for letting me join in the festivity.

As we remember, it’s been raining often recently and every time it rains I have a carpet of oranges under the tree.

A Concert In The Rain

Marsha and I traded in one of our Disney Concert Hall tickets because it was going to be in May, while I’m gone, so we ended up with an evening performance instead of the Sunday afternoons we prefer. I got home well past my bedtime, but the show was wonderful and we even found a new place for a pre-show meal, Happy Hour at the Omni Hotel.

And the pre-show talk was particularly good, Russell Steinberg, charming and informative. The performance included Stravinsky’s Petrushka, and Tchaikovsky’s Symphony no. 4, Michael Tilson Thomas conducting.

How NY Sees LA

From The New Yorker, one of my favorite ways to pass the time.

And btw, it’s raining. I hope it stops because I have plans to walk this afternoon,
and I hope the forecast for rain Sunday changes,
as it most likely will, so the egg hunters can enjoy as planned
although it is lovely to cozy-up on a rainy day and imagine how the garden is so happy.

And how ’bout them Dodgers.

Spring On The Street

Three or four months ago the gardener cut everything back to total brown and now with the rain and April about to hit. Ok, WordPress is mostly working…

Me And Ken And Bill

It’s been a while. We used to get together for dinner every 4 weeks or so and then Things Change. It’s been a while indeed but we had a wonderful time catching up – brunch at Casa del Mar, a very short walk in a sandstorm at the beach, Happy Hour at The Georgian, a sunset stroll, and Yak Yak Yak.


Jo Ann’s tableau (we went for a walk with Alan).

Last week I decided I needed to improve my endurance now since at the time there were six weeks until I leave for Armenia and Georgia. After three consecutive days of walking, and not walking all that very much, my once-sprained ankle started hurting so I decided I needed new shoes. I got these, they’re Merrell’s and my goodness these babies are serious, not as heavy as they look but the feeling of stability is really quite remarkable. I’ve walked in them for three days and I’m optimistic.

The thing about building endurance, it takes A Lot of time. Walk walk walk. I was walking around my neighborhood and came across an office complex I’d never seen before. It’s like a mini-Water Garden. (I’m going to go to the real Water Garden next.) Here are a few pics from walking around.

Spring. I wish this was a better picture but you know, walking walking after lunch with Angela.

In search of a MetroLink stop, I must have turned the wrong way and ended up on a bike path.

Two Days At Two Piers

On Monday Rome, Lilly, and I enjoyed dinner out, and then a fancy ice cream and a stroll down to the Manhattan Beach Pier.

And then on Tuesday I joined the family for lunch on the Malibu Pier. Seems I’m hitting the piers this week.

Hannah, Trevor, me, Caleb, Beth, Windy, Lona

Symphonic Dances From West Side Story

It was Lona’s birthday concert at the Disney Concert Hall and since Trevor and Beth were in town, they came too. Thomas Wilkins conducted the LA Philharmonic and included in the program was a Coleridge-Taylor piece, Ballade in A minor, and the very cool Victor Wooten La Lección Tres for electric base and symphony orchestra.

After the show we walked around a little and them ate a traditional after-DCH dim sum dinner at the Palace.

Me, Windy, Lona, Beth, Trevor

Cashing In With My Secret Santa

This is Ann’s family from when she was leaving Hawaii in December. Ann is my Sushi at Musashi friend and she gave me a Secret Santa Gift Certificate at our Valley Girls Christmas Party which I cashed in today. YUM as always! And a good thing we were both free since she’s leaving in a day to watch over the youngest two grandchildren for a couple weeks.

Before sushi though, I picked up some boxes from Windy’s and delivered them to Lucas at their new place in South Pasadena. It’s coming along in there. Guests will be arriving even before Betsy makes it out!

A Walk On The Strand And PI Day

Rome and I ate burritos for lunch and then had a nice walk. I’m trying to walk more, to bring up my stamina for the trip but I’ll tell ya, it’s dang time consuming. Anyway, at one point a crazy Crazy sand storm kicked in pounding everywhere we could see, which wasn’t too far considering the screaming-thick sand. It even knocked a biker on to the ground. And then the whirlwind was gone, as suddenly as it came.

And then Lilly and I made a tofu and veggie pie with vegan sausage for dinner, a pie for PI day! Yum!!

The Armenia Crew

Sevak, Merlyn, Hilda, Ida

Hilda, born of Armenian parents, raised in Iran, has friends Ida and Sevak, also born of Armenian parents and also raised in Iran. Ida and Sevak spend many months a year in Yerevan and they will be there when we are. FUN, right?! We met for lunch to talk over our itinerary and options for our time in Armenia. Thanks guys!

And here are maps that Merlyn is keep for our trip. First an overview and then a close-up of the Yerevan area.

A Walk With Windy

Windy’s got a walk right out her front door, 6 blocks to a great park with a long, cool, path circling the area for a little less than one mile. I can hardly believe that in all these years it’s the first time we’ve done this walk together.

Yard art.

I’ve always been a big fan of this tree, called a Naked Coral (Erythrina coralloides) it grows park-sized though, too big for a city back yard (blooming inset from the internet).

Nice Job Academy People

I think it was a commendable year for movies and the Academy Awards show was charming with plenty of extra-fun highlights you can catch on youtube if you missed the show. Or re-watch if you want. Also I was pleased with 95% of the awards, so nice job Academy People!

At Richard And Emilia’s

Emilia, Richard, Tony, Yolie, Mick, Sandy

I thought we were going to have some Happy Hour snacks, Richard would make some fancy cocktail, and then we’d go home. But NO. We had a big delicious Meal. Everyone (else) brought pots and platters and Emilia was cooking up enchiladas. Oh Boy. And then we went outside for dessert. Rock ‘n roll!

When Cynthia and I were in Mexico, at the cenote near Mérida, and you might remember it was HOT, we were hanging around on a patio where a group of gorgeous women from Mexico City were also hoping for some breeze. They made me think of Emilia. One or two of them had this fan that I simply HAD to have, so Cynthia ordered a couple sent to LA, one for me and one for Emilia. It was perfect. All the Spanish speakers at the party Cracked Up.

Brunch x 2

The Cheevers are in town and Lona treated us all to a festive brunch at 26 Beach in Venice.

Lona, Michael, Chrissy, me, Kathy, Spud


And previously Sharon and I went to the Library Alehouse on Main in Santa Monica. Chandeliers seem to be a restaurant thing these days.

Some Rain Some Shine

When the low sun shines against a dark sky outside the Whole Foods.

Rome and I went to the Redondo Beach farmer’s market, one of my favorites, for lunch today. Check out the site pushed right up against the cliff, then there’s the beach, then the ocean waves. They have great picnic tables there too so we buy a nice selection of treats and Yum! The birds are fond of the picnickers too.

Then we picked up some groceries and later picked up Lilly and a couple of her friends, took them home, and when we got back a tasty dinner was ready. Nice!

The Kings Are Coming To Town

Here’s Lucas, Betsy, Xander, and Anya in 2011. The kids are both in college now!

Windy and I went over to their new apartment in South Pasadena to look around. We watched Lucas measure the windows. He carried these stools from room to room so we could watch in comfort. I’m writing out the numbers…

My Go-To Meet-Up Spot

See you at the dinos!

(WordPress was acting up and I couldn’t add a title photo. Computers. Grrrr. Six hours later it has come to its senses. Sigh.)

Then if someone has to wait there are places to sit and things to look at, just what you need in a meet-up spot.

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