Entertaining Sites Around LOS ANGELES

Too much fun!

Check her out. She…

Check her out. She is balanced entirely on her hip and she’s doing really really hard leg lifts.

Something new is on the scene – a naked little boy holding a frog by its leg, made of painted fiberglass, by Charles Ray and called ‘Boy with Frog’. Hi cutie.

I just read that he’s going to be leaving in January 2012, just in time for me to have gotten used to having him around.

You can get yourself…

You can get yourself some good eats at the Getty.

The premium restaurant (The Restaurant) is right up there with LA fine dining establishments including Cal-Trendy yet well prepared food and a well respected wine list.

The self service cafe is more museum standard but even at that the quality and selection of the food and the expansive, scenic location make it a most comfortable spot for lunch. This shot is out the back door of the cafe.

Driving home we got…

Driving home we got off the Glendale Freeway at Fletcher Driver and found some great gates leading to very cool LA River walks. This one is called Water With Rocks.

Here’s one. Note the gate is locked but the side door is open.

And here’s a majorly…

And here’s a majorly fancy one called Great Heron Gates leading into Rattlesnake Park. Unfortunately the walls are getting tagged, not artistic efforts for decoration either but just unpleasant spray-can tags.

This section of the…

This section of the LA River is one of the places where the city broke up the cement bed to let the plants grow in which is so nice to look at.

It’s great for birds but also homeless people are camping out in the overgrowth. What to do what to do. The homeless encampments and the tagging made me think of Singapore, clean and safe as it is, but then we don’t want to live in Singapore.

Lill and I walked…

March 8

Lill and I walked to a yummy breakfast and came back on the path along Ballona Creek, a tributary of the LA River and here we have another one of these cool gates you can often find at the river bike and walking paths.

You know that funky…

You know that funky sculpture prominently featured as you get off the tram? The one that everyone hates?

I like it. Because it seems somehow brave, standing there all huge and a-kimbo and the object of such scorn. It makes nice shapes, and the engineering is cool, and it’s been there from the beginning and we’d miss it if it was gone.

Martin Puryear “That Profile,” commissioned for the site in 1999. You can see it this way if you are walking up instead of taking the tram.

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